Anatolian Shepherd At-a-Glance

Anatolian Shepherds are very large, very intelligent, very headstrong, and very independent. They are also very protective and possessive. We’ll tell you right up front that this is not the dog for everyone. Their size and aggressive nature alone are enough to rule them out as a good choice for anyone except the most experienced dog owners.

Weight (pounds)
Male: 110-150
Female: 80-120
Height (inches)
Male: 28-29
Female: 26-27
Lifespan (years)

Dog Breed Group

Characteristics Ratings

We rate 19 characteristics for each breed, divided into three categories:
Highest Rated – Characteristics for which this breed is rated 4 or 5 stars (on a 5 star scale).
Neutral Rated – Characteristics that rated 3 stars.
Lowest Rated – Characteristics that rated only 1 or 2 stars.

Highest Rated

  • Low Drooling
  • Easy to Train
  • Tolerates Cold Climate
  • High Intelligence
  • Protective Nature
  • Low Amount of Barking

Neutral Rated

  • Kid Friendly
  • Good With Other Dogs
  • Low Shedding
  • Likes to Play
  • Handles Change Easily
  • High Energy Level
  • Tolerates Being Left Alone
  • Tolerates Hot Climate
  • Good General Health

Lowest Rated

  • Good Family Dog
  • Friendly to Strangers
  • Suitable for Small Yards/Apartments
  • Good for Novice Owners

General Overview

Anatolian Shepherds are a particularly poor choice as a family pet, especially if you have young children still at home. In fact, this is a breed that interprets roughhousing and hugs as huge signs of disrespect, so it’s best to not have children around them at all. They do not recognize children as pack members.

The Anatolian was bred to guard livestock and as such is extremely protective over their flock, whether it’s livestock or human. With their immediate family, they can become friendly but they are not at all friendly with strangers. In fact, they are very likely to stop your friends or family members they don’t see frequently from even entering your home.

They will tend to see anything unfamiliar as a threat and if the threat appears imminent, they may react violently. This can be a real problem due to their size and strength. After all, these were dogs that can take down lions and bears!

Anatolians are fast runners and have the stamina to run great distances, so you may assume they need a tremendous amount of exercise. But you’d be wrong – a brisk daily run or long walk is all that’s needed to keep them healthy and happy.

The bottom line with this breed is that early socialization and extensive training are required and even then very few owners can properly handle them. However, if you want an extremely protective guard dog, few are better.

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