Are Big Dogs Really Better?
Here at Large Breed Dog World we love all dogs! With that said, we just have to add that large dogs hold a special place in our hearts and homes.
There’s just something special about a big, beautiful – and sometimes goofy! – dog. The big breeds, both purebreds and mixed, offer companionship, entertainment, loyalty, and protection.
Can you ever remember reading a news story about someone being assaulted while accompanied by their large breed dog? It rarely happens.
While big dogs have big advantages, they can also have big and special needs. Our goal is to give you information and advice about how to select, live with, and love your special “Big Dog”.
Big Dogs Vs. Wolves
Many big dogs bear a striking resemblance to their wild cousins, the wolf. These breeds…
Are Big Dogs Easier to Potty Train?
Yes. Big dogs are easier to potty train than small dogs! According to a survey…
Big Dogs Vs. Coyotes
When most people think of wild dogs they think about wolves, but wolves aren’t the…
Will Bobcats Attack Big Dogs
Bobcats are reclusive animals that avoid interacting with humans as much as possible. This means…
Do Big Dogs Need a Big Yard?
We’re going to clear up some things about large breed dogs and yards in this…
Are Stairs Bad for Large Breed Dogs?
There are a lot of myths out there about large breed dogs and stairs. Some…